Goa Cherry is a large shrub to small tree, up to 5 m
tall, with branchlets velvet-hairy; young flush reddish. Leaves are
elliptic to elliptic- oblong or oblong-lanceshaped, 7-14.5 x 2.7-5.5
cm, papery, pointed at base, bluntly tapering at tip; lateral nerves
10-15 pairs; leaf-stalk 0.5-0.8 cm long, velvet-hairy when young.
Flowers are white, stalkless, in leaf-axils or lateral from the
leafless axils, solitary or in pairs. Bracteoles are 2, linear, hairy,
exceeding the sepals. Sepal-tube is 6 mm long, clothed with long
spreading white hairs without; sepals 4, narrowly lanceshaped, fringed
with hairs, exceeding the petals. Petals are white, ovate-oblong,
blunt, fringed with hairs. Fruit irregularly spherical, 2.8 cm in
diam., velvet-hairy, deep orange when ripe; seeds 2-3. Goa Cherry is
found in Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, at altitudes up to 1000 m.