Glaucous Oak is a tree growing up to 18 m tall. Leaves
are ovate to elliptic-lanceshaped, 7-16 x 2.4-6 cm, not leathery entire
or toothed, long pointed, dull green above, whitish velvety on the
underside, nerve pairs 10-14, base often oblique. Leaf stalks is 1.4-2.3
mm long. Male catkins are 3.5-6 cm long, in clusters, velvety; bracts
prominent, 3-4 mm long, fringed with hairs and velvet-hairy. Petals are
lanceshaped, about the size of the filaments, unequal, velvet-hairy;
stamens 10-14; filaments 1 mm long, anthers slightly shorter,
hairless. Female flowers are on short flower-cluster-stalks up to l.5 cm
long; styles 3, recurved. Cupule is 1.2-1.3 cm broad, scales accrescent,
in annular rings; rings 5-6 in number. Acorn is ovoid, l.8 cm long,
becoming hairless. Flowering: March-April.
Identification credit: Ashutosh Sharma
Photographed in Shimla district, Himachal Pradesh.
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