Giant Dewflower
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Giant Dewflower
P Native Photo: Paulmathi Vinod
Common name: Giant Dewflower
Botanical name: Murdannia gigantea    Family: Commelinaceae (Dayflower family)
Synonyms: Commelina hookeriana, Commelina gigantea, Aneilema giganteum

Giant Dewflower is a clustered perennial herb, with stem 25-60 cm high, hairless, or finely velvet-hairy, with long internodes. Flower clusters are long-stalked, raceme-like panicles. Bracts are 0.8-1 cm long, 0.5-0.6 cm wide, broadly ovate. Flower-stalks are erect, 6 mm long, hairless. Petals are ovate to obovate, pale lavender to blue; sepals elliptic, 5-8 mm long. stamens 2, filaments bearded, anthers ellipsoid; staminodes 4, antherodes trilobed, yellow. Leaves stem and radical, radical ones 20-40 x 1-3 cm, stem ones 10-20 x 1-1.5 cm, linear-lanceshaped, tapering at tip, broadly sheathing at base; sheath 3-5 cm long. Capsule is 0.8-1 cm long, 0.6-0.7 cm wide. Giant Dewflower is native to Madagascar, Tropical Asia to N. Australia. In India it is found in South India and Meghalaya. Flowering: April-June.

Identification credit: Paulmathi Vinod Photographed in Kanniyakumari wildlife sanctuary,Tamil Nadu.

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