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ntroduced Photo: Gary Thingnam
Common name: Gasteria, Lawyer's Tongue
Botanical name: Gasteria obliqua    Family: Asphodelaceae (Aloe family)
Synonyms: Aloe bicolor, Gasteria bicolor

Gasterias are succulent plants native to South Africa, closely-related to Aloe Vera. The plants are named for their flowers which look like little stomachs! This Gasteria, native to the Southern Cape Province of South Africa, has fleshy 6-8 inches long by 1 inch wide rough, pointed tongue-like foliage. Curious looking leaves are dark green spotted with small creamy dots and the tips of the leaves are a rosy color. These leaves grow out of the center of the plant and with maturity they recurve to the ground. Pink flowers that bulge down towards their middle, rise well above the foliage on a branched inflorescence. It makes a great potted plant.

Identification credit: Priyanka Photographed in Garden of Five Senses, Delhi.

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