Garjan is a lofty tree, about 35 m tall. Bark is gray or dark brown,
shallowly longitudinally fissured and flaky. Branchlets are hairless. Leaf
buds are sickle-shaped. Buds and young twigs densely gray velvety.
Stipules are 2-6 cm long, densely, shortly dark grayish or dark yellow
velvety. Leaf stalks are 2-3 cm, densely gray velvety or hairless. Leaf
blade is ovate-oblong, 20-30 cm long, 8-13 cm wide, leathery, smooth or
sparsely velvety. Lateral veins are 15-20 pairs conspicuously raised on
the underside. Base is rounded or somewhat heart-shaped. Margin is entire
or sometimes wavy. Tip is pointed or long-pointged. Flowers are borne in
racemes in leaf axils, 3-6-flowered. Sepals are 2 linear, 3 shorter.
Stamens are about 30 - anthers linear-lanceshaped, connective appendages
threadlike. Ovary is densely velvety. Style is silvery gray velvety on
lower half. Nut is ovoid or narrowly ovoid, densely velvety.
Flowering: March-April.
Identification credit: R. Vijayasankar, Vijay Anand Ismavel
Photographed in Karimganj District, Assam & Manipur.
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