Fringed Spindle Tree is a small deciduous tree, upto
15 m tall, with bark dark-grey; branchlets reddish-brown, compressed.
Leaves are 2.5-9.7 x 1-6 cm, broadly ovate, somewhat tapering, finely
sawtoothed, fringed, membranous, hairless; lateral nerves 4-6;
leaf-stalk 3-8 mm long; stipules linear. 4, deciduous. Flowers are
borne in many flowered, umbel-like cymes with flower-cluster-stalks
2.5-7.5 cm long. Flowers are 4-merous, with petals 2-2.5 mm long,
oblong-obovate, cream-coloured, entire. Anthers are almost stalkless,
style absent. Capsules are 7-14 mm broad, wings 4, about 7 mm long,
tapering. Seeds are ovoid, enclosed in a red aril. Fringed Spindle Tree
is found in the Himalaya, from Afghanistan, Kashmir to Nepal, Sikkim,
at altitudes of 2300-3600 m. Flowering: April-May.
Identification credit: Nidhan Singh
Photographed near Valley of Flowers, Uttarakhand.
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