Flycatcher is an insectivorous plant, a sundew native to India, Africa and
Australia. It is an unbranched, annual herbaceous plant, supported by a
fibrous root system and reaching a height of 5–50 cm. Young plants stand
upright, while older ones form scrambling stemps with only the newest
growth exhibiting an upright habit. The plant can be yellow-green to maroon
in color. Inflorescences are 50 cm long, 3-25-flowered, on top of stems.
Alternately arranged, very narrow leaves, 3-6 cm long, are fringed with
gland tips tentacles. The tips of the tentacles are formed by sparkling
dots of sticky liquid. That probably earns it the common name Sundew. The
sticky liquid helps trap insects. Flowers 1.5-2.5 cm across, generally
pink, but can also be orange or white. The plant is naturally found along
ephemeral creeks on sandy soil. In nature the seeds sprout with the onset
of the summer rainy season. Flowering: September.
Identification credit: Prashant Awale
Photographed in Sahyadri Hills, Maharashtra & Nelliampathy Hills, Kerala.
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