Flower-Head Morning Glory
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Flower-Head Morning Glory
P Native Photo: Angela Pangkam
Common name: Flower-Head Morning Glory • Assamese: Bish-dharak
Botanical name: Argyreia capitiformis    Family: Convolvulaceae (Morning glory family)
Synonyms: Convolvulus capitiformis, Argyreia capitata, Ipomoea capitata

Flower-Head Morning Glory is a large woody climber, 10-15 m tall. Flowers are pink to reddish purple, funnel-shaped, 4.5-5.5 cm, hairy outside; limb shallowly lobed or nearly entire. Stamens and pistil do not protrude out, filaments about 1.5 cm. Flower-stalks are short or absent. Sepals are lanceshaped or ovate-oblong to oblong, densely hairy below, tip tapering, outer 3 sepals 1.5-1.7 cm x 5-6 mm, inner 2 sepals 1-1.2 cm. Flowers are borne in a dense head-like cymes, carried on stout flower-cluster-stalks 6-30 cm, spreading hairy. Bracts are persistent, elliptic to lanceshaped, 1.5-2.5 x about 1 cm, both ends pointed, hairy below. Stems are covered with spreading, brown or dull yellow hairs. Leaf-stalks are 3-16 cm, leaf blade ovate to circular, rarely oblong-lanceshaped, 8-18 x 4-13 cm, dull yellow hairy, base heart-shaped, tip pointed or tapering; lateral veins 13-15 pairs. Ovary is ovoid, hairless, 2-loculed, style about 3 cm, jointed at base. Berries are orange-red, spherical, about 8 mm in diameter, seeds 4 or fewer, ovoid-trigonous, about 7 mm. Flower-Head Morning Glory is found in Eastern Himalays, from NE India to Yunnan and SE Asia, at altitudes of 100-2200 m. Flowering: September-December.
Medicinal uses: In the Chakma community, for treating bruising on legs, leaf paste is applied to affected areas.

Identification credit: Sushant More Photographed in Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh & Sepahijhala, Tripura.

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