Flax-Leaved Rungia is a small annual herb, growing up to 0.5-1 ft tall.
Stems are slender and erect, and branches are threadlike. Oppositely
arranged leaves are elliptic-lanceshaped, 1-3 cm long, pointed, with a
narrow base. Leaves 4-6 pairs of nerves and are borne on 3 mm long stalks.
Flowers are borne in narrow spikes, 1-3 cm long, at the end of branches.
Flowers are arranged only on one side of the spike. Flowers are
pink-purple, two-lipped. Lower lip is 3-lobed, and has purple markings on
it. Flowering: December-January.
Identification credit: Prashant Awale
Photographed at Gangawali River near Karikale Village, Karnataka.
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