Few Flowered Dewflower is a prostrate spreading
herb, rooting at lower nodes. Leaves are 2-3 x 1-1.5 cm,
ovate-lanceshaped, base rounded or heart-shaped, tip pointed, sheath
about 5 mm long, hairy. Flowers are brownish-yellow, 1-4 in axillary
and terminal cymes, 4-5 mm across. Flower-stalks are up to 1 cm long,
usually deflexed in fruits. Sepals are 3, about 3 mm long, oblong,
acute. Petals are brownish-yellow, oblong, pointed. Fertile stamens 3,
filaments glabrous; staminodes 3. Capsule 4-5 mm long, oblong-fusiform,
subtrigonous, acute. Seeds 4-6 in each cell, 1-seriate, black, sparsely
pitted. In India it is found in Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra and
Tamil Nadu. Flowering: September-November.
Identification credit: Mayur Nandikar
Photographed in South Wynad, Kerala.
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