Egyptian Woodrose is a twinning, annual herbs,
clothed with long scattered hairs. Leaves are alternate, digitately
5-foliate. Leaflets are 5-10 x 2-5 cm, broadly lanceshaped, tapering.
Flowers are borne in few flowered, lax, hairy, raceme-like cymes.
Flower-cluster-stalks are 2.5-10 cm long, flower-stalk 1-4 cm long;
bracts 6-8 mm long, linear. Sepals are oblong, enlarged in fruits, 3
outer sepals 1.5 x 0.5 cm, ovate-lanceshaped, densely hairy, 2 inner
ones slightly shorter, hairless. Flower is 2.5 cm long, funnel-shaped,
white. Stamens are 5, filaments hairy. Capsules are 8 mm long, ovoid,
papery, covered by silky, silky sepals, 4 celled, 4 valved; seeds 4,
hairless, shining. Egyptian Woodrose is found widely in the tropical
world. In India it is mainly found in South India. Flowering:
Identification credit: S. Kasim
Photographed in Vellore, Tamil Nadu.
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