East-Indian Fingerroot is a newly identified plant which
was mistakenly believed to be something else. It is named in honour of
Francis Buchanan Hamilton (1762-1829) a Scottish surgeon and botanist.
Flowers are 4-6 per inflorescence, up to about 15 cm long. Calyx
tubular, 2-2.4 x 0.5 cm, white, translucent, hairless, tip tri-toothed.
Flower tube is about 9-12 cm long, 3-4 mm wide at the base, white
tinged with pink, hairless externally and internally, flower lobes
oblong, about 4 x 1.2 cm, white, hairless, margins involute; Lip is
slightly saccate, elongate, 5-5.5 cm long, 3.5-4 cm wide, margins
slightly crisped, crinkled, tip notched, white, throat centre red,
dotted with white showing thru as dots, lip entirely pink to the tip;
lateral staminodes are obovate, 1.8 x 1.5 cm, white. Stamens are 12-14
mm long. Fruit is a capsule, cylindrical, asymmetrical, 2 cm long, 1 cm
wide, calyx and floral tube remain partially intact, white, hairless,
surface smooth.
Inflorescence arise from the root, about 3-10 per pseudostem, up to
about 19 cm long (including flower-cluster-stalk), flower-cluster-stalk
5-9 × 0.8 cm, white, hairless, basal sheaths 1-2, 3.5-4.5 x 1-1.5 cm,
white, hairless; spike horn-shaped, 8-11 × 2 cm. Bracts are
boat-shaped, 4-6, to about 9 cm, green and white, sometimes red, each
bract enclosing one flower; bracteole boat-shaped about 5-6 x 0.4 cm,
white, translucent, hairless, open to the base, tip 2-toothed. Leaves
are 3-6 per pseudostem; leaf-stalk 8-26 cm, deeply channelled, light
green, hairless. Leaves are elliptical, 34-44 x 15-19 cm, plicate,
ventrally dark green, hairless, dorsally lighter green, hairless with a
few hairs on the midrib, base rounded to heart-shaped, tip pointed. It
is a deciduous herb up to 1 m tall; rhizome up to about 2.3 cm
diameter. fibrous roots about 45-50 x 0.1 cm, yellow-white, with many
secondary root hairs. Pseudostem up to about 30 cm long, composed of
leaf sheaths. East-Indian Fingerroot is found in NE India, at altitudes
up to 1850 m. Flowering: May-September.
Identification credit: Zhu Renbin
Photographed in Imphal, Manipur.
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