Dwarf Taro is a herb which is characterized by large ovate-oblong
heart-shaped, Arbi-like leaves. Leaves are 8-15 cm long and 5-10 cm
broad, attached to a long stalk from the middle of the blade (what is called
a peltate leaf). The plant often grows on trunks of trees. Flower is a 15-25 cm long stick like spadix, wrapped in a
green covering (spathe). Fruit is a head of small yellow berries enclosed in
the spathe-tube. The rootstock of the plant is tuberous.
Dwarf Taro is found in dense evergreen forests, on damp mossy rocks, trees,
and banks, at altitudes of 1000-2800 m, in the Himalayas, Bhutan, Nepal,
N Thailand and China. Flowering: June-August.
Medicinal uses: A paste from the rhizome is applied on the chest for
chest pain. Juice from crushed leaves is used as an antibiotic for wounds
in humans and animals.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Gangtok, Sikkim.
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