Dwarf Balanophora
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Dwarf Balanophora
P Native Unknown Photo: C. Rajasekar
Common name: Dwarf Balanophora
Botanical name: Balanophora abbreviata    Family: Balanophoraceae (Balanophora family)
Synonyms: Balanophora subglobosa, Balanophora distans, Balanophora micrantha

Dwarf Balanophora is a monoecious herb, creamy white to grayish. Rhizome is finely warted with lenticels, cream coloured. (Scale-) Leaves are 4-6, ovate, pointed, stiff. Heads are ovoid or lanceoid. Male flowers are 20-40, stalkless, synandrium with 15-25 anther-loculi. Female flowers fully cover the exposed part of head. Spadicles obovoid with a narrow basal and upper portion. Dwarf Balanophora is found in Congo, Comoros, Madagascar, Tropical Asia, Society Islands. Flowering: September-October.

Identification credit: C. Rajasekar Photographed in Kolli hills, Namakkal,Tamil Nadu.

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