Desert Sea Lavender is a perennial shrub with stem
woody, branched, current year branches leafy, older branches without
leaves. Flowers are rose-purple, with petals longer than the sepal-cup,
entire or notched, anthers long protruding. Sepal-cup is nearly without
limb, almost-flat, densely hairy on the ribs. Flowering stems are
somewhat angular, dividing into a second panicle. Flowers are borne in
2-3-flowered spikelets arranged in small fascicles. Bracts are
herbaceous, reddish; outer and middle bracts ovate, nearly equal, inner
bract oblong, 3 times as long as the outer bract. Leaves are
oblong-spoon-shaped, attenuating into a very short leaf-stalk, blunt,
fleshy, hairless. Desert Sea Lavender is found in Arabian Peninsula, S.
Iran to Pakistan and Gujarat, in desert areas and sea coasts.
Flowering: June-September.
Identification credit: Sarman Ratiya
Photographed in Gandhvi, Devbhoomi Dwarka, Gujarat.
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