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Botanical name: Zygophyllum paulayanum Family: Zygophyllaceae (Caltrop family)
Synonyms: Fagonia indica var. schweinfurthii, Fagonia schweinfurthii Desert Fagonia is an annual to biennial shrublet, up
to 25 cm tall, glandular to hairless. Stem is basally woody, branches
prostrate to erect, round, striped, with up to 1-3 cm long internodes.
Lower leaves are trifoliolate, leaf-stalk, up to 1.0-1.2 cm long. Upper
leaves are unifoliolate, with up to 5 mm long leaf-stalk; leaflets
linear-oblong, up to 3.5 cm long, pointed, central the largest;
stipular spines aculeate, shorter than leaves and internodes, patent,
not reflexed. Flowers are pinkish-purple, about 8-10 mm across,
flower-stalk up to 6 mm long. Sepals are ovate, 3-4 mm long, sparsely
glandular hairy outside, deciduous or semi-persistent. Petals are
obovate, 4-6 mm long, about 2-3 mm broad, blunt. Stamens have 3-4 mm
long filaments. Capsules are about 4 mm long velvet-hairy, flower-stalk
about twice as long as fruit. Desert Fagonia is found in India,
Pakistan, Iran, Aden, Eritrea, Aethiopia, Sudan, Somalia and Kenya.
Flowering: All year.
Medicinal uses: The whole plant is used in variety of diseases including hepatic ailments in deserts and dry areas of India.
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