Dense-Flowered Snoutbean is a twining herb with
branchlets hairy. Leaves are trifoliate with end leaflets up to 9 x 6
cm, laterals 6.5 x 5 cm, obovate-rhomboid, pointed, basally, 3-nerved,
inequilateral, membranous, puberulus; leaf-stalk to 7 cm, stipule 4 mm,
ovate, velvet-hairy. Flowers are borne in racemes in leaf-axils, to 6
cm long, many flowered. Flowers are yellow; bracts 8 x 3 mm,
lanceshaped, fringed with hairs; calyx tube 2 mm, lobes 5 and 7 mm,
lanceshaped, tapering, glandular velvet-hairy; standard petal 1 x 0.7
cm, obovate; wings 1 x 0.3 cm; staminal tube 7 mm, filaments subequal;
ovary 2 mm, velvet-hairy, style 5 mm, stigma at branch-ends. Pod 1.5 x
0.5 cm, oblong, flat, smooth, long hairy, gland dotted; seeds 2.
Dense-Flowered Snoutbean is found in India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar.
Flowering: January-April.
Identification credit: S. Kasim
Photographed in Mulli forest & Thirumoorthy Hills, Tamil Nadu.
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