Deceptive Taro is a perennial herb, deceptively
looking like Taro. Rhizome is erect, up to 7 × 1-1.5 cm; runners 5-60
cm x up to 6 mm. Leaves are 3-8; leaf-stalk green, sometimes with
transverse purple lines, cylindric, 12-68 cm, sheathing for almost 1/2
length; leaf blade paler or slightly glaucous below, green or with dark
purple patches between primary veins above, heart-shaped-peltate,
ovate-heart-shaped, or narrowly oblong-ovate, 8-36 x 3.3-29 cm,
membranous, tip apiculate. Primary lateral veins are 5-7.
Inflorescences are 1-5 together; flower-cluster-stalk green, cylindric,
4-23 cm, slender. Spathe is constricted or not between tube and limb;
limb at anthesis orange-yellow, 5-11.2 x 2.7-4.8 cm, tip long tapering.
Spadix is stalkless, up to 6.5 cm, shorter than spathe. Berry ripens to
yellow, ovoid, about 2 mm. Deceptive Taro is found in dense forests,
humid forest margins, moist mossy rock faces in forests, valley scrub,
moist shaded places along streams, at altitudes of 700-1400 m, in
China, N Bangladesh, Bhutan, NE India, Nepal, Thailand. Flowering:
Identification credit: Huirem Bhabini
Photographed in Imphal, Manipur.
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