Deccan Ragwort
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Deccan Ragwort
A Native Photo: Sushant More
Common name: Deccan Ragwort
Botanical name: Senecio dalzellii    Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower family)
Synonyms: Senecio lawii

Deccan Ragwort is an erect, woody herb, about 1-3 ft long. Stem and branches are more or less white, cottony. Lleaves are linear-oblong or linear-lanceshaped, lower ones stalked, white-woolly below, 5 x 0.8 -1 cm, margin entire or irregularly toothed, often curled. Flower-heads are yellow, in symmetrically branched corymbs, bracteolate. Flower-cluster-stalks are slender, furnished with a few scattered bracts. Involucre bracts are linear-lanceshaped, 10-17, 2-4mm long. Ray-florets are yellow, narrow with two obscure teeth at tip, about 8-15, about 1 cm long. Pappus is in two series, white, rigid, slightly longer than achenes. Achenes are rough with short hairs. Deccan Ragwort is found in Western Ghats. Flowering: September-October.

Identification credit: Sushant More Photographed in Patta Vishramgad, Nashik District, Maharashtra.

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