Deccan Memecylon is a large shrub to small slender
tree, with branchlets nearly round. Leaves are oblong-lanceshaped or
elliptic-oblong, pointed or tapering, base rounded, hairless, brown on
drying, to 12 x 4.5 cm; lateral nerves about 15 pairs, slender, faint.
Flowers are mostly fascicled on tubercles; flower-stalks slender, 2.5
mm long. Calyx is cup-shaped, sepals obscure, pink. Petals are blue.
Berry is black, 1 seeded. Deccan Memecylon is endemic to the Western
Ghats - South Sahyadri and North Malabar. Flowering: January-March.
Identification credit: Shrishail Kulloli
Photographed in Kerala.
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