Dallis Grass
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Dallis Grass
P Naturalized Photo: Ashutosh Sharma
Common name: Dallis Grass, Dallas grass, Sticky heads
Botanical name: Paspalum dilatatum    Family: Poaceae (Grass family)
Synonyms: Paspalum ovatum, Digitaria dilatata, Panicum platense

Dallis Grass is a perennial bunch grass forming dense, stiff clumps in the soil and spreading outward. It grows decumbent in a mat or erect to well over 3 ft tall. The leaves are mostly hairless, growing up to 35 cm long and one wide. The inflorescence is divided into a few branches lined neatly with beadlike pairs of green to purple spikelets. Dallis Grass is native to Brazil, but is introduced and naturalized world over.

Identification credit: Ashutosh Sharma Photographed in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh.

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