Curved-Fruit Rhododendron is a small bush,
averaging 6 ft in height, rounded in form, of a bright cheerful green
hue. With its inflorescence of grace, has been regarded by some as the
most charming of the Sikkim Rhododendrons.
Flowers are horizontal and nodding, truly bell-shaped, delicate in
texture, tinged of a sulphur hue and always spotless, nearly 5 cm long,
broader across the lobes, which are finely veined. The plant exhales a
grateful honeyed flavour from its lovely bells and a resinous sweet
odour from the stipitate glands of the petioles, pedicels, calyx, and
capsules. Leaves are borne on slender stalks, about 2 cm long, leathery
but not thick in texture, 5-9 cm long, 4-5 cm broad, heart-shaped at
the base, rounded and mucronate at the apex. In all characters, except
the evanescent glandular hairyness and spherical buds, it is
undistinguishable from
Thomson's Rhododendron. The
stalks of the capsules radiate horizontally from the apices of the
ramuli, and the capsules themselves curve upwards with a semicircular
arc. They are about an inch long, always loosely covered with stipitate
glands. Curved-Fruit Rhododendron is found in the Eastern Himalayas, in
Bhutan, NE India, Myanmar, Nepal and Sikkim, at altitudes of 3000-3900
Flowering: May-June.
Identification credit: Bharat Kumar Pradhan
Photographed in Yumthang Valley, Sikkim.
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