Cup Saucer Plant is a shrub with spreading branches. Its striking feature
is it fruit, which looks like a berry kept on a saucer, or a cup kept on a
saucer to many. The common names of this plant originate from this. It is a
small shrub, 2 m, with spreading branches. Alternately arranged leaves, 1-3
cm, are broadly elliptic, obtuse, with a rounded tip.
Flowers are unisexual, in leaf axils, on filament-like peduncles. Male
flowers 1-3 fascicled, yellow; female green; sepals 6, round; styles 3,
divided into two. Fruits, 1-2 cm, are slightly flattened round berries,
red, with much enlarged calyx which looks like a saucer.
Identification credit: Dinesh Valke
Photographed in Maharashtra.
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