Crowded-Flower Jasmine is a climbing shrub,
velvet-hairy. Leaves are 8 x 3 cm, ovate-lanceolate, tip pointed to
long-pointed, hairy, stalk 1 cm, velvet-hairy. Flowers are borne in
cymes at branch ends and in leaf axils. Bracts are ovate, bracteoles
linear. Sepal tube is 2 mm, 7-lobed, 5 mm, linear, curled, pubescent.
Flower tube is 2.5 cm long, petals 7, twisted, 1.5 cm long. Ovary is 1
mm across, style 7 mm, stigma club-shaped. Crowded-Flower Jasmine is
found in Peninsular India and Sri Lanka. Flowering: January-June.
Identification credit: regy1984@flickr
Photographed along Kumta Siddapur Road, Karnataka.
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