Creeping dayflower is a trailing or creeping herb.
Leaves are 2-6 x 0.8-2 cm, lanceshaped or oblong-lanceshaped, base
blunt, tip pointed or tapering; sheath 1-2 cm long, fringed with hairs.
Flower-cluster-stalks are 0.8-1.5 cm long, ovate-lanceshaped, base
subheart-shaped, complicate. Sepals about 3 mm long. Petals are blue,
about 4 mm long. Stamens and staminodes are naked. Capsules are up to 8
mm long, oblong, 3-celled, tip beaked. Seeds about 2 mm, tuberculate
and netveined. Creeping Dayflower is distributed in the pantropics.
Flowering: July-September.
Identification credit: Mayur Nandikar
Photographed in Imphal, Manipur.
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