Copperleaf is a remarkable plant which has leaves
that are more colorful than many flowers. It grows as a spreading
evergreen shrub with upright branches that tend to originate near the
base. It can get up to 10 ft tall with a similar spread. Alternately
arranged leaves are elliptic to oval, toothed, 5-8 in long and
multi-colored. The flowers are small and inconspicuous, in 4-8 in long,
somewhat drooping, green racemes often hidden in the foliage. Many
cultivars are available with different leaf forms and colors. Acalypha
wilkesiana 'Marginata' has coppery-green leaves with pink or crimson
margins. 'Macrophylla' has larger leaves, variegated with bronze,
cream, yellow and red. The leaves of 'Musaica' are mottled with orange
and red. 'Godseffiana' has narrow, drooping leaves with cream colored
margins. Copperleaf is native to Fiji and neighboring South Pacific
islands, widely cultivated in India.
Medicinal uses: Acalypha wilkesiana ointment
is used to treat fungal skin diseases.
Identification credit: RK Nimai Singh
Photographed in Delhi.
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