mallow is a common and successful plant of disturbed areas. It is deep
rooted so it survives drought, it grows rapidly, and it reproduces easily. Its
flowers are small and dainty, leaves are rounded and serrated, and stems are
red and sprawling (often to several feet long). Flowers occur singly or in
clusters of 2-4 in leaf axils. Petals white or tinged with pink or purple.
The name "cheeses" comes from the fruits, which are round and flat like a
round button of cheese. It is native to Canary Islands, Morocco, Europe to
Central Asia and W. Himalaya. It has naturalized widely world over.
In the Himalayas it can be found up to 4000 m elevation.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Lahaul and Kufri, Himachal
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