Common Duckweed is a perennial aquatic plant usually
growing in dense colonies, forming a mat on the water surface. Each
plant is a smooth, round, flat disc 0.5 to 1.0 cm wide. Its upper
surface is mostly green, sometimes red, while the lower surface is dark
red. It produces several minute roots and a pouch containing male and
female flowers. The top part dies in the fall and the plant often
overwinters as a turion. The turion sinks to the bottom of the water
body and stays in a dormant phase, until water temperature reaches 15
°C. The turions then germinate on the bottom of the water body and
start a new life cycle. Common Duckweed only flowers rarely. Common
Duckweed is an ideal system for biofuels, bioremediation, and carbon
cycling due to its aspects of fast-growing, direct contact with media,
and small genome size. Common Duckweed is found throughout the world.
Identification credit: Nidhan Singh
Photographed in Panipat, Haryana.
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