Comb-Leaf Lousewort is a tall erect unbranched plant,
with a lax or dense spike of pink flowers with long sickle-shaped beaks
with twisted tail-like tips, and with whorled and often doubly
pinnately cut leaves. Flowers are about 2 cm, flower-tube short, lower
lip 3-lobed, the middle lobe much smaller; sepals pointed, entire,
sepal-cup inflated in fruit. Stem leaves are about 8 cm, lanceshaped,
stalked, the lobes further toothed or lobed; stem mostly 15-70 cm,
usually hairless, or with 4 rows of hairs; flowering spike hairy.
Comb-Leaf Lousewort is found in Western Himalaya, from Pakistan to W
Nepal, at altitudes of 2400-4000 m, in forests, shrubberies, open
slopes. It is common in Kashmir. Flowering: July-August.
Identification credit: Shakir Ahmad
Photographed in Kashmir.
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