Comb Rungia is a small annual herb, abundantly found on rocky surfaces. The species name pectinata means
comb-like, probably referring to the resemblance of the flower-spike to a
comb. Cylindrical stems are weak, 10-20 cm long. Oppositely arranged leaves,
1-3 cm, are oblong-lanceolate, sharp-tipped. Tiny violet-blue flowers are
about 3-4 mm, and occur in spikes at the end of branches, or in leaf axils.
Flower-spikes are 0.5-2.5 cm long, with sharp-tipped bracts arranged in 2
rows, like a comb. Flower is 2-lipped with tube narrow. Stamens 2, filaments short.
Flowering: November-December.
Identification credit: Dinesh Valke, J.M. Garg
Photographed in Maharashtra & Delhi.
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