Coastal Plain Spike-Rush is an annual grasslike herb
with stems often recurved, clustered, 2-16 cm tall or rarely more,
thread-like, soft, 5- or nearly 4-angled. Leaf sheaths are 1 or 2, pale
red, tubular, 2-12 mm; basalmost sheath bladeless; stem sheaths usually
with a glumelike blade at tip. Spikelets are purplish red, ovoid, about
4 x 2 mm, slightly compressed, few flowered, sometimes proliferous.
Basalmost glume empty, subelliptic, stem-clasping for whole spikelet
base; fertile glumes green, broadly ovate, 2.8-3 x 1.8-2 mm,
herbaceous, with a median keel, edge membranous, margin hyaline, tip
pointed to blunt. Perianth bristles 6, nearly as long as nutlet, one on
outer series shorter than nutlet, retrorsely spinulose. Stigmas 3.
Nutlet yellowish, broadly obovoid, about 1.5 × 1 mm, 3-sided. Coastal
Plain Spike-Rush is is found in moist areas in fields, in Tropics &
Subtropics, including East Himalaya. Flowering: July-November.
Identification credit: Thingnam Rajshree
Photographed in Satajaan Bird Sanctuary, Assam.
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