Clustered Roseroot is a perennial herb, found
on rocks, cervices and grassy slopes of the Himalayas, from
Pakistan to China, at altitudes of 3600-5500 m. Flowering stems are many on
each rhizome, all unbranched, erect, growing close and parallel to each other.
The species name fastigiata means clustered and parallel. Old flowering
stems are persistent, 6-17 cm long, 0.8-2 mm wide. Stem leaves are alternate,
stalkless, entire, pointed or blunt, linear-ovate or narrowly ovate, 6-12 mm
longm 1-1.5 mm wide. Flowers arise on top of the stems, in
compact corymblike cymes, 6-15 flowered.
Bracts are like the stem leaves. Flowers are yellow or red, 4-5 parted, stalk
1-4 mm long. Sepals basally fused, entire, blunt, triangular-ovate or
narrowly ovate, 2.5-3.5 x 0.5-1.5 mm. Petals are entire, blunt, narrowly
elliptic, narrowly obovate, linear-oblanceolate, 3.5-6 x 1-1.8 mm.
Flowering: June-August.