Club-Spur Balsam is a herb 10-20 cm tall, with
rootstock tuberous. Leaves arise from the root, fleshy, circular or
kidney-shaped heart-shaped, entire or obscurely toothed at margin,
2.5-8 cm across, nerves flabellate, leaf-stalks 2.5-8 cm long.
Flowering stem is longer than leaves, up to 15 cm long, bracts ovate.
Flower-stalks are slender, up to 2.5 cm long. Flowers are bore in
racemes, about 1.2 cm across, pink. Lateral sepals are obliquely ovate.
Spur is about 1 cm long, incurved, inflated at tip, like a club.
Standard petal is broader than long. Wings have 3 nearly equal truncate
retuse lobes. Capsules are ellipsoid, about 8 mm long, seeds minute,
clothed with spiral hairs. Club-Spur Balsam is found in Western Ghats.
Flowering: June-October.
Identification credit: Siddarth Machado
Photographed in the Avalanchi range of the Southern Nilgiris
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