Clarkia is is an annual herb 10-50 cm, erect, branched
or not, and covered with short hairs. The flower has been named after
the great explorer Captain William Clark of the Lewis & Clark
expedition fame to the Americas. The leaves alternate along the stalk
and are lance to spoon-shaped, about 2-7 cm long and sometimes finely
toothed. The distinctive lavender to light purple flowers are
four-lobed and fused at the base. Each lobe is in turn three-lobed with
the middle lobe widest. Double flower cultivars are most commonly seen
in gardens. Double flowers are 2-3 cm across, in various colors, with a
crepe-like look. Clarkia is native to North America, widely cultivated
Identification credit: R.K. Nimai
Photographed in cultivation in Delhi & Srinagar.
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