Chinese Pennywort
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Chinese Pennywort
P Native Photo: Gary Thingnam
Common name: Chinese Pennywort • Manipuri: ꯄꯦꯔꯨꯛꯂꯩ Peruklei
Botanical name: Hydrocotyle ramiflora    Family: Araliaceae (Ivy family)
Synonyms: Hydrocotyle maritima

Chinese Pennywort is prostrate herb with stem 10-26 cm, creeping, thin and slender, distal parts decumbent. Leaf-stalks are 1-15 cm; leaf blade round or round-kidney-shaped, shallowly 5-7-lobed, lobes blunt-round or slightly triangular, 0.8-2.3 x 1.6-4.5 cm, both surfaces sparsely hairy or hairless, base narrowly heart-shaped with basal lobes overlapping. Flowers are borne in many-flowered umbels, solitary at nodes, carried on flower-cluster-stalk 1-2-times longer than leaf-stalks. Flower-stalks are about 2 mm. Petals are white with bright yellow glands. Styles are incurved when young, strongly spreading when mature. Fruit is purplish red when young becoming brown to dark purple, heart-shaped-spherical, 1-1.9 x 1.9-2.1 mm. Chinese Pennywort is wound in woods, wet grassy places, at altitudes of 500-800 m, in China, Taiwan, Japan, introduced and naturalized in NE India. Flowering: June-September.

Identification credit: Tabish Photographed in Langol, Manipur.

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