It is a common weed almost world-wide. Chickweed is an annual, but is
somewhat unusual in that it often germinates in the fall (though it also
germinates year-round), and hangs on through the winter, flowering and setting
seed in the early spring, and dying off by summer. It's at its best in the
spring and fall, as it greatly prefers cool and damp conditions, and will not
survive where it's dry and hot. Chickweed is just about always flowering,
except in the dead of winter. It has tiny white flowers, about a quarter inch
in diameter, in the leaf axils or in terminal clusters, with five deeply
notched petals that look like ten, and five green sepals that are longer than
the petals. The flowers close at night and open in the morning. They also
close when it's about to rain.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Delhi.
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