Chickweed Lobelia is a small annual herb, growing to 15-30 cm tall.
Branches are trailing and 3-winged. Leaves are alternate, sparse; leaf-stalk
1-3 mm, hairless; blade nearly round, broadly ovate, elliptic, or
lanceshaped, 7-14 x 4-6 mm, both surfaces rough but hairless,
base wedge-shaped or broadly wedge-shaped, margin rounded toothed or
crenulate, tip rounded, blunt, pointed, or tapering. Flowers are borne singly
in leaf-axils, on slender stalks at leaflike bracts, forming a lax raceme.
Flower-stalks are 2-2.7 cm long, slender, hairless; base with 2 lanceshaped
bracteoles about 3 mm. Flowers are blue-pink, 2-lipped.
Upper lip is 2-lobed, erect and the lower one is 3-lobed, spreading out.
Flowers have 5 stamens, the lower 2 protrude out. Capsules are 2-3 mm long.
Flowering: October-November.
Identification credit: J.M. Garg
Photographed in Vizhimala, Distt. Palakkad, Kerala.
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