Native to China, Cotton Rose is a large shrub or small
multistemmed tree
that grows to 15 ft high with about a 10 ft spread. Dropping its leaves in
winter the shrub's slender stems seem to disappear among neighboring plants
until midsummer, when it leafs out into a big bushy mass. The large leaves are
5 - 7 in, bright green, hairy on the undersides and deeply lobed.
They impart a coarse texture that gives the plant a distinctive eye-catching
appeal. Cotton rose is very iimposing when in full bloom
starting in late summer and on into fall. The large double or single-flowered
blooms that are 3-5 in acroos, open pure white and
change color over a three-day period until they are deep pink and then as they
die assume a dark "blue-pink" hue. The most notable characteristic of this
flowering shrub is that flowers of three distinct colors appear on the bush
simultaneously as the blooms color cycle independent of one another. In fact,
the species name mutabilis means, changeable.
After flowering, a round, hairy capsule
forms which dries and releases fuzzy seeds, a trait that inspired one of the
plants common names, cotton rose as the buds resemble the boll of that famous
member of the hibiscus family.
Identification credit: Tabish
Photographed in Imphal, Manipur & Delhi.
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