Ceylon Sago Palm is a small palm-like tree which can grow up to 3 m tall.
However, mostly it is seen planted in gardens for landscaping, without any
visible stem. The stem appears when the tree is quite old. It is closely related to the more common Sago Palm.
At the top of
the trunk is the bunch of stiff, compound leaves. The leaflets are long
and narrow, brittle to the touch. Plants are either male or female. The
male plant bears a massive male cone terminally on the trunk, made up of
numerous fleshy, scale-like leaves covered with pollen sacks on the lower
surface. The female plant bears female cones of loosely assembled, narrow,
fleshy fertile leaves bearing the ovules. The ovules develop into seeds
which are oval, green with a hard cover. The plant is native to North
Identification credit: Rita Singh
Photographed in Garden of Five Senses, Delhi.
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