Ceylon Paracroton is a tree up to 20 m tall with
bark greyish-brown; blaze dull yellow; branches angled. Leaves are
simple, alternate; stipules lateral, falling off, leaf-stalk 40-70 mm
long, stout with 4 glands at the tip of the leaf-stalk in 2 rows on
either side, leoidote scales present. Leaves are 15-30 x 7.5-12 cm,
oblong, elliptic-oblong or obovate, base pointed, tip bluntly tapering,
margin distantly sawtoothed, hairless, leathery; lateral nerves 10-15
pairs, pinnate, ascending, prominent; intercostae scalariform,
prominent. Flowers are unisexual, white, in lax, at branch-ends and
lateral elongate drooping racemes; bracts ovate, fringed with hairs;
tepals 10 in 2 rows; outer 5 unequal, densely lepidote-scaly outside;
inner 5 longer than outer lobes, white; disc glands 5-10; stamens many,
filaments free; ovary 3-celled, ovule 1 in each cell; styles 3, bifid.
Fruit a capsule, 2.5-3 cm across, rusty woolly, spherical, splitting
into 3, 2 valved cocci; sees ovoid. Ceylon Paracroton is found in
Western Ghats and Sri Lanka.
Identification credit: Tapas Chakrabarty
Photographed in Agumbe, Karnataka.
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