Ceylon Lousewort is a weak stemmed semi-parasitic
herb, with stems nearly erect, hairy. Leaves are alternate, stalkless,
up to 5 x 2 cm, oblong, pinnately lobed, lobes toothed, hairy. Flowers
are borne in densely arranged, stalkless racemes at branch ends. Sepal
cup is bell-shaped, 5-toothed. Flowers are pink, 2-2.5 cm long,
2-lipped, upper lip hooded, lower lip equally 3-lobed, purple, tube
broadening above, stamens 4, perfect, anthers narrowing to one end,
fused in pairs, style slender, stigma terminal. Capsules are 8 x 6 mm,
split at one side, hairless, seeds netveined. Ceylon Lousewort is found
in Peninsular India and Sri Lanka. Flowering: September-December.
Identification credit: Siddarth Machado
Photographed at Avalanchi Range, Tamilnadu.
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