Native to Europe, Candytuft is a low-growing, spreading,
annual herbacious plant which
typically forms a foliage mound 0.5-1 ft tall and spreading to 1.5 ft wide.
It is a popular garden plant, with
numerous, narrow, obovate leaves which have 2 or 4 small teeth-like lobes.
Small, pure white, 4-petaled, scentless flowers in
dense, flattened clusters (corymbs) appear in a profuse, in winters and spring.
Two of the four petals are longer than the other two. The blooms often
totally obscures the foliage. There is another closely related plant,
Perennial Candytuft (Iberis semperviren), which has linear to lance-shaped
leaves which are not toothed or lobed.
Identification credit: Samir Takaochi
Photographed in Sundar Nursery, Delhi.
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