Cahuato is an erect shrub with rich purplish branches. Oppositely arranged
leaves are oblong in outline, compound with about 12 leaflets. The
leaflets are stalkless, wedge-shaped with toothed margin. The main
backbone of the leaf is winged. Younger leaves are slightly hairy. Reddish-
yellow flowers are borne in racemes at the end of branches, or on small
axillary branches which arise from upper leaf axils. The species name
fulva stands for reddish yellow or deep yellow. The inflorescence
is thus a large leafy cyme. Flower stalks are downy. Sepal cup is obovate,
osbcurely angles, cut into five, rather deep, traingular, long pointed
teeth. Flowers are 2 inches long, reddish yellow on the outside, and
yellow on the inside. Flowers are funnel-shaped, slightly curved. There
are 5 nearly equal rounded petals. Stamens are 4, and stay inside the
flower. Style is long, visible at the mouth of the flower. Cahuato is native to South America, and is an interesting garden plant.
Identification credit: Vijayadas D.
Photographed in cultivation.
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