Bushy Rattlepod
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Bushy Rattlepod
P Native Photo: P.S. Sivaprasad
Common name: Bushy Rattlepod, Graham's Rattlepod
Botanical name: Crotalaria grahamiana    Family: Fabaceae (Pea family)

Bushy Rattlepod is a stout subshrub, up to 1 m tall, with stems round, hairy. Leaves are 5-8-foliolate; leaflets to 7 x 2 cm, digitate, inverted-lanceshaped, blunt, hairless above; leaf-stalk up to 10 cm long. Yellow flowers are borne in racemes up to 30 cm long, at branch-ends; bracts 18 x 2 mm, linear-lanceshaped, hairy. Flowers are many, densely packed. Calyx 1.2 cm long, sepals equal, ovate, pointed, hairless; standard 2.5 x 2 mm, obovate, hairless; wings 20 x 8 mm, verrucose; keel densely hairy along the margins. Pods are 6 x 1.8 cm, hairless. Bushy Rattlepod is endemic to Southern Western Ghats. Flowering: January-March.

Identification credit: C.T. Ouseph Photographed in Munnar, Kerala.

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