Burma Fringe Tree is a shrub or tree 4-18 m tall.
Flowers are borne in panicles in leaf-axils, which are (including
flower-cluster-stalk) 9-15 cm long, hairy. Flowers are nearly
stalkless, a distinguishing character of this species. Flowers are 2-3
mm, greenish in color, slightly finely velvet-hairy or hairless
outside; petals oblong, tapering, slightly united at base. Sepal-cup is
velvet-hairy; sepals oblong-ovate, 1-1.5 mm, blunt or tapering.
Branchlets are nearly round, hairless or so, compressed and slightly
velvet-hairy when young. Leaf-stalks are stout, 2.5-4 cm, hairless;
leaf blade inverted-lanceshaped, 16-33 x 4-12.5 cm, leathery, hairless,
base narrowed and decurrent, tip abruptly and very short tapering.
Primary veins on the leaves are 11 or 12 on each side of midrib, above
slightly impressed, below raised. Drupe is black, narrowly ovoid or
narrowly ellipsoid, 5-10 x 2.5-5 cm, warty. Burma Fringe Tree is found
in dense forests of valleys, thickets of ravines, at altitudes of
800-1600 m, in Yunnan to Myanmar. We found it in Arunachal Pradesh.
Flowering: May-June.