Burma Coneflower is a spreading, softly
white-hairy herb endemic to peninsular India.
Stems are somewhat four-edged, sticky velvet-hairy. Leaves are 2.5-4.5 x
1.8-2.0 cm, ovate or elliptic, nearly blunt, rounded toothed, hairy, base
shortly cnneate ; leaf-stalks 0.6-1.2 cm long. Flowers are borne in glandular-hairy
heads ; bracts elliptic-oblong, blunt, those of the inner flowers
longer than the sepal-cup, glandular-hairy and strongly fringed with
hairs. Sepal-cup to top of longest sepal reaching 1 cm
long, divided nearly to the base, one of the sepals longer than
the other 4; sepals linear, nearly blunt, glandular-hairy and fringed
with hairs. Flower about 1.8 cm long; tube whitish ; limb blue, with obovate
rounded petals 4 mm long. Capsules are 8 mm long, velvet-hairy, 8-10-seeded.
or elliptic, with round teeth at the margins.