Broad-Petal Ipecac is a velvet-hairy stout twiners.
Leaves are up to 14 x 8 cm, ovate or elliptic, oblong, blunt at tip,
aciculate, rounded or heart-shaped at base, rusty velvet-hairy; nerves
6 pairs, irregular; leaf-stalk 1.5-3 cm long. Umbel in leaf-axils,
solitary, 10-15-flowered; flower-cluster-stalk to 10 mm long. Flowers
are creamy, 1.5 cm across; flower-stalks 8 mm long, stout,
velvet-hairy; sepals 3.5 x 1.5 mm, oblong, pointed, hairy. Petals are
6 x 5 mm, ovate, blunt, oblique at tip; corona 3 x 3 mm, round to
shortly 5-lobed; Gynostegium 3 mm high, shortly 5-lobed at tip,
hairless. Broad-Petal Ipecac is endemic to Southern Western Ghats.
Flowering: March-April.
Identification credit: C. Rajasekar
Photographed in Kalakkad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu.
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