Box-Leaf Persimmon is a trees, up to 30 m high, bole
buttressed; bark 5-6 mm thick, blackish-grey, mottled with white,
brittle; branchlets densely golden yellow hairy. Leaves are simple,
alternate, bifarious, 1-4.5 x 0.6-2 cm, elliptic-ovate, ovate,
ovate-oblong or ovate-lanceshaped, tip pointed, base pointed or
wedge-shaped,margin entire, leathery; leaf-stalk 2-3 mm, slender;
hairless above and velvet-hairy beneath; lateral nerves 2-3 pairs.
Flowers are unisexual, white. Male flowers are 2-3 mm, 1-4 together in
nearly stalkless small in leaf-axils cymes; sepal-cup densely
fulvous-hairy outside; sepals 4. Flowers are bell-shaped, tube 0.1-0.15
cm long; petals 4, round; stamens 16, in pairs. Female flowers are 7-8
mm, solitary, nearly stalkless; sepal-cup and flower as in male
flowers. Fruit is a berry, 1.5-1.8 x 1.0-1.2 cm, oblong, pointed,
purple, hairless. Flowering:: March-May.
Identification credit: Ashutosh Sharma
Photographed in cultivation at FRLHT Garden, Bengaluru.
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