Bog Bladderwort is a terrestrial herb, with rhizoids
upto 1.5 cm long; runners upto 4 cm long, profusely branched. Flowers
are blue, upper lip 2-3 mm long, oblong; lower lip 3-4 mm long, obovate
to oblong; spur 3-5 mm long. Sepals are nearly equal, 3-4 mm long in
fruit, broadly ovate. Filaments are straight, ovary ovoid, stigma
bilipped. Flowers are borne in racemes up to 15 cm long, erect, 1-5-
flowered. Flowers are up to 6 mm long; flower-stalks up to about 3 mm
long, winged, erect or spreading in fruit. Leaves are up to 5 x 0.6 cm,
linear, rounded at tip, 3-nerved. Traps are about 1 mm across, nearly
spherical; mouth basal; appendages 2. Capsules 3-4 x 2-3 mm, ovoid.
Seeds are nearly spherical, netveined. Bog Bladderwort is found in
marshy areas and moist rocks in grasslands in Indo-Malesia, China and
Identification credit: C. Rajasekar
Photographed in the Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu.
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