Blueberry-Leaved Spirea
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Blueberry-Leaved Spirea
ative Photo: Krishan Lal
Common name: Blueberry-Leaved Spirea
Botanical name: Spiraea vacciniifolia    Family: Rosaceae (Rose family)
Synonyms: Spiraea rhamniphylla, Spiraea laxiflora, Spiraea venustula

Blueberry-Leaved Spirea is an erect shrub with rigid hoary branches. Leaves are 0.8-3 cm, usually elliptic and pointed at both ends, toothed. Nerves beneath are faint. Leaf-stalks are 4-6 mm, slender. White flowers are borne in dense corymbs. Flowers are small, 4 mm in diameter. Blueberry-Leaved Spirea is found in Western Himalayas.

Identification credit: Krishan Lal Photographed in Sirmaur Distt, Himachal Pradesh.

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